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Alex Barton

Photo of the Conor Pass with overlaid text 'What we've been up to August 2024" CampaignNewsNews Update

What we’ve been up to: August 2024

Time and again, we’ve proven that even when things feel hopeless and unclear, stepping forward to take action together says everything about who we are — a community from all walks of life that acts together despite those that want to divide us. I think you know how special and…
Alex Barton
3rd September 2024
CampaignNewsNews Update

Our Submission to The Citizens’ Assembly on Drug Use

Introduction  Earlier this year a Citizens' Assembly on Drugs Use was established to consider the legislative process, policy, and operational changes Ireland could make to significantly reduce the harmful impacts of illicit drugs on individuals, families, communities, and wider Irish society. Uplift welcomed the opportunity to engage in the process…
Alex Barton
29th June 2023
CampaignNewsNews Update

Uplift’s People Powered Forest

Welcome to Uplift's People-Powered Forest News Update Blog March 2023: We are very excited to share the good news that our second people-powered forest has been planted. With spring here and the temperatures warming up, last weekend Uplift members were busy putting all our trees in the ground.   Thanks…
Alex Barton
13th March 2023
CampaignNewsNews Update

We’ve done a lot of work together

All over Ireland, people are doing amazing things - filling us with hope and energy to keep working together for a better Ireland for us all, despite so much bad news. Grab a cuppa and have a read about what our Uplift community has been up to. “Don’t freeze us out…
Alex Barton
27th October 2022
Title text says Join the #StopSettlements campaign - sign the petition and share it with your community at Underneath the text there is an image with labels on top of eachother all reading versions of "stop settlements/illegal products CampaignUncategorised

Take action to stop illegal settlements

One hundred and sixty Palestinian people have been killed by Israeli forces since our campaign for the EU to stop trading with illegal settlements started in January.   Settlements are illegal, but politicians from Ireland and other countries in the EU turn a blind eye and still trade with them. That’s why we’ve been…
Alex Barton
21st October 2022
CampaignNewsNews UpdateTraining

Uproot: Campaigning 101 training sign up

Uproot: Campaigning 101  Sign up for the workshops here People-powered campaigning communities Uplift and Act Now present this year’s Upskill Academy training series called Uproot - Campaigning 101. Uproot is a series of online campaign workshops designed to help community leaders grow their campaign and leadership skills.  Over the 5-week…
Alex Barton
9th September 2022

Uproot: Campaigning 101 training

Uproot: Campaigning 101  A training series for leaders, campaigners and activists Are you that person who always speaks up against injustice and takes responsibility to organise actions? Are you interested in understanding how to organise and persuade people to step up and get involved? Does your work involve figuring out…
Alex Barton
8th September 2022
A placard saying 'I am Uplift' being held by two hands CampaignNewsNews Update

You’ve given us so much hope

From extreme weather to the rising cost of living, life feels pretty intense right now. That's why this week Uplift sent a special message to remind  our Uplift community continuously gives us all so much hope. There's much to be proud of. In the past week alone we stood together for…
Alex Barton
28th July 2022
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