Uplift is a people powered campaigning community of over 350,000 people who take coordinated action for progressive change across Ireland.
We are a self-supporting independent organisation. We believe that when we work together towards a common goal we can create a better society.
We know that people are not apathetic but desire engagement in our democracy. People want to have a say in decisions that determine the type of society that we live in. By connecting with each other we will help to create a stronger, more powerful voice and have much broader impact.
Campaigns are informed by our shared values; to promote social justice, to defend fairness, protect our rights, preserve the planet and to deepen democracy. Using digital tools and a variety of campaigning strategies, our members participate and take action to advance Uplift campaigns.
Uplift is run by a small team of volunteers and staff experienced in social justice campaigning. The Board of Directors advises and supports the core team.
Uplift is completely independent and not aligned to any political or corporate interests.