CampaignNewsNews UpdatePalestineUncategorised
17th July 2024

Arms Trade with Israel

New research, paid for by Uplift members, has shown worrying financial support from the Irish government to Israeli weapons manufacturers and spikes in dual-use exports to Israel which may violate our human rights obligations. The full report can be read here but a summary of the key points are listed…
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Big TechCampaignNewsNews Update
16th April 2024

Social media is hurting us: Results of Uplift’s big tech survey

We all want online spaces that are safe and where we can connect with others — but right now, social media bosses like Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are hurting us and pushing content at us that we don’t want to see. The Uplift community has spent years fighting for…
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People at the protest with text Everyday is Future. Blog for climate solutions: Building public support for climate solutions: A Narrative Guide
CampaignClimateNewsNews Update
28th March 2024

Building public support for climate solutions: A Narrative Guide

Climate change is the biggest threat to our safety and health we have ever encountered. So how do we get the conversation about climate change so loud and clear, that future governments know they have no choice but to stop those responsible for poisoning our air, water, soil, nature and…
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CampaignHousingNewsNews UpdateUncategorised
26th March 2024

Summary of Vacant Homes Research

Empty Homes: A Political Choice There are more vacant houses than people who need a home in every county of Ireland. Early in 2024 Uplift members commissioned research into exactly what the problem with vacant properties and what can be done to fix it Here is a summary of the…
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Meta Stop Censoring Gaza
CampaignNewsNews UpdatePalestineUncategorised
11th December 2023

Meta Stop Censoring Palestine

On Wednesday (6th December 2023), Uplift hosted a session in the AV Room in Leinster House for Ireland's TDs and Senators to talk about Meta's censorship of Palestinian voices and under-moderation of hate speech and disinformation in Hebrew on Meta's platforms (primarily Facebook and Instagram). Representatives from 7amleh, the Arab…
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MyUpliftNewsNews UpdateUncategorised
17th November 2023

A Celebration of Transgender Awareness Week

Transgender Awareness Week is an opportunity to reflect on the importance of open, welcoming, communities where everybody can feel safe, valued, and seen. It is important to recognize and celebrate the unique identities and experiences of individuals within the LGBTQIA+ community, including our transgender friends and loved ones. No matter…
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CampaignNewsNews Update
10th November 2023

Building Support For Climate Solutions: A Narrative Guide

Introduction Climate change is the biggest threat to our safety and health we have ever encountered. So how do we get the conversation about climate change so loud and clear that future governments know they have no choice but to stop those responsible for poisoning our air, water, soil, and…
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CampaignNewsNews Update
2nd November 2023

An Open Letter from Ireland

OPEN Letter From Northern Ireland To Joe Biden, President of the United States of America, Across the island of Ireland, thousands of families live with the unending grief of having lost loved ones to conflict borne of oppression and systemic injustice.  We cannot stand by and watch as thousands of…
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CampaignNewsNews Update
26th October 2023

What we’ve been up to – October 2023

As we head into Autumn, despite the challenges we’ve all faced over the past few months, when I think of all we’ve achieved together, it gives me renewed hope. I’m constantly amazed by how much this community can do with so few resources, and it’s people like you who make…
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Image with text Energy Charter Treaty campaign - what we have done so far
CampaignMyUpliftNewsNews Update
18th October 2023

Energy Charter Treaty campaign – what we have done so far

The Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) is an international agreement which protects the interests of powerful energy corporations across Europe. Ireland is a signatory to the ECT, but the power the treaty gives to energy companies who are partly to blame for the climate crisis, means that people have realised that…
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