

Gaza Legal Case CampaignNewsNews UpdatePalestine

Gaza Legal Case

On Wednesday 30th October 2024, members of the Uplift community, along with solicitor Darragh Mackin of Phoenix law, delivered a statement to the Taoiseach Simon Harris demanding that the Irish government:1. Suspends all military trade with Israel 2. Suspends all dual-use trade with Israel 3. Suspends the use of Irish…
Brian Cuthbert
1st November 2024
Citibank stop funding genocide CampaignNewsNews UpdatePalestine

Citibank is funding Israel

Citibank is the largest foreign bank in Israel, and has a history of financing of weapons deals between Israel, the USA, and the weapons corporations that supply them.  Since the beginning of Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza, Citibank has financed a $500million bond to Israel that they…
Saoirse McHugh
3rd September 2024

Poll: End drones contracts with Israel

After uncovering shocking information about Ireland's military trade with Israeli state-owned arms weapons dealers, the Uplift community has commissioned a nationwide poll asking the Irish public whether they think the government should end these contracts. Unsurprisingly, a strong majority of people agreed that we should rip up these contracts. The…
Brian Cuthbert
18th July 2024
CampaignNewsNews UpdatePalestine

Arms Trade with Israel

New research, paid for by Uplift members, has shown worrying financial support from the Irish government to Israeli weapons manufacturers and spikes in dual-use exports to Israel which may violate our human rights obligations. The full report can be read here but a summary of the key points are listed…
Brian Cuthbert
17th July 2024
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