

CampaignNewsNews Update

The people keeping Uplift going in 2022

Uplift is nothing without its members! Today we launch our annual end-of-year fundraising drive. And we want to tell you a bit about how and why. Here’s something that makes our members special: by being part of Uplift, you’re one of the people who do things a bit differently. There’s…
Alex Barton
22nd December 2021
CampaignNewsNews Update

#FaceUpToFacebook Action

#FacingUpToFacebook I never cease to be amazed and moved by this community. In November, some of our youngest Uplift members took on not only this Government but one of the most powerful companies in the world, Facebook. They were furious that Facebook and Instagram bosses knowingly put the mental and…
Alex Barton
9th December 2021

#DataCentres: Don’t let Big Tech steal our light

Data centres are putting so much pressure on our electricity supply that we’re facing rolling power cuts this winter - cutting off light and heat and putting local businesses at risk. When we surf the web or stream a video, we often don’t think that 'the cloud' takes up physical…
Alex Barton
28th September 2021
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