Uplift members have taken action on issues of health and gender equality, amongst other issues, for many years. One of the key defining values of Uplift is deep democracy, and members engage in deep listening and engagement at times of public consultation.
As a community, we welcomed the opportunity to share our views and input into the Department of Health consultation on the review of the operation of the Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Act 2018. We sent a survey based on the review of the law and compiled it into the community’s submission below.
Members from across Ireland shared their thoughts and experiences of the operation of the legislation put in place after the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution was repealed by referendum in 2018.
Members who responded to the survey included people who have had abortions – both before and since the law came in, people who have escorted others to get abortion care, those who have travelled abroad for abortion care, others who faced barriers to access care abroad due to visa or passport issues or lack of Personal Public Service (PPS) number. All respondents come from a variety of backgrounds, including some who live rurally, some who are disabled and some who are from minority ethnic backgrounds.
Uplift’s overall vision for improving abortion care in Ireland
Everyone who needs abortion care should have safe, affordable access to it if and when they need it.
But women and pregnant people are still being forced to travel abroad for the care they need, some GPs can still object to providing care, and many of us are being forced to walk past protesters outside health clinics. [1]
Those of us who are migrants or poor and who can’t travel, are locked out of getting care completely. [2]
Everyone – no matter where they come from, or how much money they have in their pocket – should be able to get the care they need.
Ireland’s abortion laws were radically overhauled when we repealed the eighth amendment. But the laws as they stand today do not offer equal and accessible abortion care as is clear by the survey responses below from hundreds of Uplift members.
Uplift members want abortion care that removes barriers in place to make it more accessible, including having more information available about it’s provision and locations, reduced associated costs, more widely available in localities, free from harassment and judgement, and that people who need abortions are treated with care and compassion, including after having an abortion.
Read the full Uplift submission on the review of the current law in place.
Uplift’s submission to the review
[1] Abortion Rights Campaign (ARC) & Lorraine Grimes: ‘Too Many Barriers: Experiences of Abortion in Ireland After Repeal’ & NWCI: ‘Accessing Abortion in Ireland: Meeting the Needs of Every Woman’.
[3] Link to the submission – https://www.uplift.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Uplift-Repeal-Review-consulation-submission-March-22-1.pdf