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Irish Business Owners Against CETA

Thank you for supporting the open letter!


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Thank you for endorsing the Open Letter calling for CETA not to be ratified. Together with thousands of our counterparts in across Europe, we are concerned that businesses risk being wiped out by unfair competition from Canadian and US corporations operating in Canada. CETA will enable some of the world’s biggest corporations to undermine EU social, health and environmental standards. CETA will result in the loss of jobs in Ireland and will severely affect the Irish food and agriculture sector. (Click here to chip in toward the campaign)

“Trade deals like TTIP and CETA will tear the heart out of the small business sector in Ireland and give free reign to corporations to do what they will. They’ll trample over the rules and regulations that we abide by and will kick us aside in their pursuit of big profits.”Barry O’Driscoll, Ennis


You and other business leaders have signed so far!


Signers Include…

Fergal Cassidy, CEO, MeasureSoft

Olga Kennelly, Director, Autus Global Ltd

Bill Haneman, Proprieter, Haneman Union Pipes

Edward Owen, Director, Silentus

Gerard D’Arcy, Owner, Darcy Bespoke Cleaning

Roderick Campbell, CEO, CommitChange

Damien McKenna, Owner, McKenna Agencies

Paul Brennan, Owner, Paul Brennan Media Design

Clarence Healy, President, The Organic Institute

Dearbhla Breen, Director, Function Physiotherapy

Paul Lee, CEO, Viewsion Virtual Environments

John Mackey, Managing Director, Farm to Table Ltd



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